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linefolder Pytondan Anlayanalar Bi Yardım Edebilirmisiniz?

Pytondan Anlayanalar Bi Yardım Edebilirmisiniz?

  1. KısayolKısayol reportŞikayet pmÖzel Mesaj
    mali0's avatar
    Kayıt Tarihi: 02/Nisan/2010





    Define an array in the beginning. Get inputs from user. Check if input is in the array or not.

    Let's say array is [8, 5, 2, 6, 4, 10]

    Enter a number to search: 7

    7 is not in the list

    Enter a number to search: 6

    6 is in the list (Place = 3)

    Enter a number to search: 8

    4 is in the list (Place = 0)


    You will create a program that solves polynomials for you. Lets say you have a function like


    f(x) = a + b x + c x ^ 2 + d x ^ 3 + e x ^ 4 + ...

    Define an array that contains a b c d e …. values in the beginning of your code. Input x from the

    user. Calculate value of f(x) for that x and print it. You can use ** operator for getting power of one

    variable to another one.

    A = B**C means that calculate B to the power of C and assign it to A.

    A = 2**4 In this case A is equal to 16

    You can have more than 5 elements in array. Your program must still give correct results if you

    change content or size it.


    Lets say your function is

    f(x) = -10 + 5x – 4x^2 + x^4

    In this case your array will be

    arr = [-10, 5, -4, 1]

    for this array your function will run like this.

    Enter x: 5

    f(x) = 40 for x = 5

    Enter x: -2

    f(x) = -44 for x = -2

    Enter x: 0

    f(x) = -10 for x = 0


    For f(x) = 1 – x^2

    your array is [1, 0, -1]. Here are some inputs and outputs

    Enter x: 10

    f(x) = -99 for x = 10

    Enter x: 1

    f(x) = 0 for x = 1


    Define an array with even size in the beginning of your code. Print if array is symmetric or not.

    [1, 0, 0, 1] is symmetric while

    [5, 2, 1, 1, 3, 5] is not.

    4- Define an array with odd size in the beginning of your code. Check if following condition

    holds for that array.

    A is an array with 2n+1 elements

    a[0] > a[1] < a[2] > a[3] < …. a[2n-2] > a[2n-1] < a[2n]

    If this condition satisfies for your array, print “Array is a zig-zag array” else print array is not a

    zig-zag array.

    For example

    arr = [10, 4, 6, 2, 5]

    is a zig-zag array. While

    arr = [5, 3, 4 , 2, 10, 7, 4]

    is not because 7 is not smaller than 6

    Hint: every 2k

    th element must be bigger than 2k+1th element and every 2k+1th

    element must be

    smaller than 2k+2



    element for every k smaller than n


    You have an array with n elements. Print the position of each element if array is sorted.

    For example if array is [42, 16, 54, 52, 12, 88, 57, 21, 34]

    42 is on 5th on the array

    16 is on 2th on the array

    54 is on 7th on the array

    52 is on 6th on the array

    12 is on 1th on the array

    88 is on 9th on the array

    57 is on 8th on the array

    21 is on 3th on the array

    34 is on 4th on the array

    Hint: You don't need to sort array.


    saat 12 ye yetiştirmem gerek ama bilmediğim şeylerde var içinde bu seferlik bi yardım edin diğerine söz çalışacam




  2. KısayolKısayol reportŞikayet pmÖzel Mesaj
    Realist's avatar
    Kayıt Tarihi: 13/Nisan/2007

    ne yapmak istediğini sen biliyomusun hacı ?

    edit:.bizden ne istediğini söylermisin hocam

  3. KısayolKısayol reportŞikayet pmÖzel Mesaj
    mali0's avatar
    Kayıt Tarihi: 02/Nisan/2010

    k.bakma soruyu anlayamadım?

    edit : pardon :D bunları pytonda algoritmalarını çıkarmam gerkiyodu 12 ye kadar ama zaman çok az kaldı o yüzden kendi yazdım yanlış olanları gönderecem artık

  4. KısayolKısayol reportŞikayet pmÖzel Mesaj
    mali0's avatar
    Kayıt Tarihi: 02/Nisan/2010

    bunları buraya yazmış olmamın nedeni bu ödevi vermem gerekiyo ama yapamıyorum sorabileciğim etrafımda bilgisayar bilen kimse yok bende mecburen buraya yazdım

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