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  1. KısayolKısayol reportŞikayet pmÖzel Mesaj
    ran's avatar
    Kayıt Tarihi: 23/Mart/2007

    Rulet kodları, yapmak sitedğim

    36 sayı yerine 5 sayı yapmak ve betOnNumber sayıyı kulancıdan almak.

    Kodda 36 ve 37 değerlerini değiştirip (5 ile ) betOnNumber sonuçu alamıyorum. Olgörüp olmadı.

          Nasıl değiştirmeliyim ki Bana 5 sayı üzerinden betOnNumber sonucunu versin?


    pragma solidity ^0.4.8;
    contract OwnedByWinsome {
      address public owner;
      mapping (address => bool) allowedWorker;
      function initOwnership(address _owner, address _worker) internal{
        owner = _owner;
        allowedWorker[_owner] = true;
        allowedWorker[_worker] = true;
      function allowWorker(address _new_worker) onlyOwner{
        allowedWorker[_new_worker] = true;
      function removeWorker(address _old_worker) onlyOwner{
        allowedWorker[_old_worker] = false;
      function changeOwner(address _new_owner) onlyOwner{
        owner = _new_owner;
      modifier onlyAllowedWorker{
        if (!allowedWorker[msg.sender]){
      modifier onlyOwner{
        if (msg.sender != owner){
     * Math operations with safety checks
    library SafeMath {
      function mul(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) {
        uint c = a * b;
        assert(a == 0 || c / a == b);
        return c;
      function div(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) {
        assert(b > 0);
        uint c = a / b;
        assert(a == b * c + a % b);
        return c;
      function sub(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) {
        assert(b <= a);
        return a - b;
      function add(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) {
        uint c = a + b;
        assert(c >= a);
        return c;
      function max64(uint64 a, uint64 b) internal constant returns (uint64) {
        return a >= b ? a : b;
      function min64(uint64 a, uint64 b) internal constant returns (uint64) {
        return a < b ? a : b;
      function max256(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
        return a >= b ? a : b;
      function min256(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
        return a < b ? a : b;
      function assert(bool assertion) internal {
        if (!assertion) {
     * Basic token
     * Basic version of StandardToken, with no allowances
    contract BasicToken {
      using SafeMath for uint;
      event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value);
      mapping(address => uint) balances;
      uint public     totalSupply =    0;    			 // Total supply of 500 million Tokens
       * Fix for the ERC20 short address attack  
      modifier onlyPayloadSize(uint size) {
         if( < size + 4) {
      function transfer(address _to, uint _value) onlyPayloadSize(2 * 32) {
        balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(_value);
        balances[_to] = balances[_to].add(_value);
        Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value);
      function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint balance) {
        return balances[_owner];
    contract StandardToken is BasicToken{
      event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint value);
      mapping (address => mapping (address => uint)) allowed;
      function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint _value) {
        var _allowance = allowed[_from][msg.sender];
        // Check is not needed because sub(_allowance, _value) will already throw if this condition is not met
        // if (_value > _allowance) throw;
        balances[_to] = balances[_to].add(_value);
        balances[_from] = balances[_from].sub(_value);
        allowed[_from][msg.sender] = _allowance.sub(_value);
        Transfer(_from, _to, _value);
      function approve(address _spender, uint _value) {
        allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value;
        Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value);
      function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint remaining) {
        return allowed[_owner][_spender];
    contract WinToken is StandardToken, OwnedByWinsome{
      string public   name =           " Token";
      string public   symbol =         "WIN";
      uint public     decimals =       18;
      mapping (address => bool) allowedMinter;
      function WinToken(address _owner){
        allowedMinter[_owner] = true;
        initOwnership(_owner, _owner);
      function allowMinter(address _new_minter) onlyOwner{
        allowedMinter[_new_minter] = true;
      function removeMinter(address _old_minter) onlyOwner{
        allowedMinter[_old_minter] = false;
      modifier onlyAllowedMinter{
        if (!allowedMinter[msg.sender]){
      function mintTokens(address _for, uint _value_wei) onlyAllowedMinter {
        balances[_for] = balances[_for].add(_value_wei);
        totalSupply = totalSupply.add(_value_wei) ;
        Transfer(address(0), _for, _value_wei);
      function destroyTokens(address _for, uint _value_wei) onlyAllowedMinter {
        balances[_for] = balances[_for].sub(_value_wei);
        totalSupply = totalSupply.sub(_value_wei);
        Transfer(_for, address(0), _value_wei);    
    contract Rouleth
      //Game and Global Variables, Structure of gambles
      address public developer;
      uint8 public blockDelay; //nb of blocks to wait before spin
      uint8 public blockExpiration; //nb of blocks before bet expiration (due to hash storage limits)
      uint256 public maxGamble; //max gamble value manually set by config
      uint256 public minGamble; //min gamble value manually set by config
      mapping (address => uint) pendingTokens;
      address public WINTOKENADDRESS;
      WinToken winTokenInstance;
      uint public emissionRate;
      enum BetTypes{number, color, parity, dozen, column, lowhigh} 
      struct Gamble
        address player;
        bool spinned; //Was the rouleth spinned ?
        bool win;
        //Possible bet types
        BetTypes betType;
        uint input; //stores number, color, dozen or oddeven
        uint256 wager;
        uint256 blockNumber; //block of bet
        uint256 blockSpinned; //block of spin
        uint8 wheelResult;
      Gamble[] private gambles;
      //Tracking progress of players
      mapping (address=>uint) gambleIndex; //current gamble index of the player
      //records current status of player
      enum Status {waitingForBet, waitingForSpin} mapping (address=>Status) playerStatus; 
      //        Management & Config FUNCTIONS        //
      function  Rouleth(address _developer, address _winToken) //creation settings
        WINTOKENADDRESS = _winToken;
        winTokenInstance = WinToken(_winToken);
        developer = _developer;
        blockDelay=0; //indicates which block after bet will be used for RNG
        blockExpiration=245; //delay after which gamble expires
        minGamble=10 finney; //configurable min bet
        maxGamble=1 ether; //configurable max bet
        emissionRate = 5;
      modifier onlyDeveloper() 
        if (msg.sender!=developer) throw;
      function addBankroll()
        payable {
      function removeBankroll(uint256 _amount_wei)
        if (!developer.send(_amount_wei)) throw;
      function changeDeveloper_only_Dev(address new_dev)
      //Change some settings within safety bounds
      function changeSettings_only_Dev(uint256 newMinGamble, uint256 newMaxGamble, uint8 newBlockDelay, uint8 newBlockExpiration, uint newEmissionRate)
        emissionRate = newEmissionRate;
        //MAX BET : limited by payroll/(casinoStatisticalLimit*35)
        if (newMaxGamble<newMinGamble) throw;  
        //Delay before spin :
        if (newBlockExpiration < blockDelay + 250) throw;
      //                 BETTING FUNCTIONS                    //
      //***//basic betting without Mist or contract call
      //activates when the player only sends eth to the contract
      //without specifying any type of bet.
      function ()
          //defaut bet : bet on red
      //***//Guarantees that gamble is under max bet and above min.
      // returns bet value
      function checkBetValue() private returns(uint256)
        if (msg.value < minGamble) throw;
        if (msg.value > maxGamble){
          return maxGamble;
          return msg.value;
      //Function record bet called by all others betting functions
      function placeBet(BetTypes betType, uint input) private
        if (playerStatus[msg.sender] != Status.waitingForBet) {
          if (!SpinTheWheel(msg.sender)) throw;
        //Once this is done, we can record the new bet
        playerStatus[msg.sender] = Status.waitingForSpin;
        gambleIndex[msg.sender] = gambles.length;
        //adapts wager to casino limits
        uint256 betValue = checkBetValue();
        pendingTokens[msg.sender] += betValue * emissionRate;
        gambles.push(Gamble(msg.sender, false, false, betType, input, betValue, block.number, 0, 37)); //37 indicates not spinned yet
        //refund excess bet (at last step vs re-entry)
        if (betValue < msg.value) {
          if (msg.sender.send(msg.value-betValue)==false) throw;
      function getPendingTokens(address account) constant returns (uint){
        return pendingTokens[account];
      function redeemTokens(){
        uint totalTokens = pendingTokens[msg.sender];
        if (totalTokens == 0) return;
        pendingTokens[msg.sender] = 0;
        //ADD POTENTIAL BONUS BASED ON How long waited!
        //mint WIN Tokens
        winTokenInstance.mintTokens(msg.sender, totalTokens);
      //***//bet on Number	
      function betOnNumber(uint numberChosen)
        //check that number chosen is valid and records bet
        if (numberChosen>36) throw;
        placeBet(BetTypes.number, numberChosen);
      //***// function betOnColor
      //bet type : color
      //input : 0 for red
      //input : 1 for black
      function betOnColor(bool Black)
        uint input;
        if (!Black) 
        placeBet(BetTypes.color, input);
      //***// function betOnLow_High
      //bet type : lowhigh
      //input : 0 for low
      //input : 1 for low
      function betOnLowHigh(bool High)
        uint input;
        if (!High) 
        placeBet(BetTypes.lowhigh, input);
      //***// function betOnOddEven
      //bet type : parity
      //input : 0 for even
      //input : 1 for odd
      function betOnOddEven(bool Odd)
        uint input;
        if (!Odd) 
        placeBet(BetTypes.parity, input);
      //***// function betOnDozen
      //     //bet type : dozen
      //     //input : 0 for first dozen
      //     //input : 1 for second dozen
      //     //input : 2 for third dozen
      function betOnDozen(uint dozen_selected_0_1_2)
        if (dozen_selected_0_1_2 > 2) throw;
        placeBet(BetTypes.dozen, dozen_selected_0_1_2);
      // //***// function betOnColumn
      //     //bet type : column
      //     //input : 0 for first column
      //     //input : 1 for second column
      //     //input : 2 for third column
      function betOnColumn(uint column_selected_0_1_2)
        if (column_selected_0_1_2 > 2) throw;
        placeBet(BetTypes.column, column_selected_0_1_2);
      // Spin The Wheel & Check Result FUNCTIONS//
      event Win(address player, uint8 result, uint value_won, bytes32 bHash, bytes32 sha3Player, uint gambleId, uint bet);
      event Loss(address player, uint8 result, uint value_loss, bytes32 bHash, bytes32 sha3Player, uint gambleId, uint bet);
      //***//function to spin callable
      // no eth allowed
      function spinTheWheel(address spin_for_player)
      function SpinTheWheel(address playerSpinned) private returns(bool)
        if (playerSpinned==0)
    	playerSpinned=msg.sender;         //if no index spins for the sender
        //check that player has to spin
        if (playerStatus[playerSpinned] != Status.waitingForSpin) return false;
        //redundent double check : check that gamble has not been spinned already
        if (gambles[gambleIndex[playerSpinned]].spinned == true) throw;
        //check that the player waited for the delay before spin
        //and also that the bet is not expired
        uint playerblock = gambles[gambleIndex[playerSpinned]].blockNumber;
        //too early to spin
        if (block.number <= playerblock+blockDelay) throw;
        //too late, bet expired, player lost
        else if (block.number > playerblock+blockExpiration) solveBet(playerSpinned, 255, false, 1, 0, 0) ;
        //spin !
    	uint8 wheelResult;
    	//Spin the wheel, 
    	bytes32 blockHash= block.blockhash(playerblock+blockDelay);
    	//security check that the Hash is not empty
    	if (blockHash==0) throw;
    	// generate the hash for RNG from the blockHash and the player's address
    	bytes32 shaPlayer = sha3(playerSpinned, blockHash, this);
    	// get the final wheel result
    	wheelResult = uint8(uint256(shaPlayer)%37);
    	//check result against bet and pay if win
    	checkBetResult(wheelResult, playerSpinned, blockHash, shaPlayer);
        return true;
      //CHECK BETS FUNCTIONS private
      function checkBetResult(uint8 result, address player, bytes32 blockHash, bytes32 shaPlayer) private
        BetTypes betType=gambles[gambleIndex[player]].betType;
        //bet on Number
        if (betType==BetTypes.number) checkBetNumber(result, player, blockHash, shaPlayer);
        else if (betType==BetTypes.parity) checkBetParity(result, player, blockHash, shaPlayer);
        else if (betType==BetTypes.color) checkBetColor(result, player, blockHash, shaPlayer);
        else if (betType==BetTypes.lowhigh) checkBetLowhigh(result, player, blockHash, shaPlayer);
        else if (betType==BetTypes.dozen) checkBetDozen(result, player, blockHash, shaPlayer);
        else if (betType==BetTypes.column) checkBetColumn(result, player, blockHash, shaPlayer);
      // function solve Bet once result is determined : sends to winner, adds loss to profit
      function solveBet(address player, uint8 result, bool win, uint8 multiplier, bytes32 blockHash, bytes32 shaPlayer) private
        //Update status and record spinned
        uint bet_v = gambles[gambleIndex[player]].wager;
        if (win)
    	uint win_v = (multiplier-1)*bet_v;
    	Win(player, result, win_v, blockHash, shaPlayer, gambleIndex[player], bet_v);
    	//send win!
    	//safe send vs potential callstack overflowed spins
    	if (player.send(win_v+bet_v)==false) throw;
    	Loss(player, result, bet_v-1, blockHash, shaPlayer, gambleIndex[player], bet_v);
    	//send 1 wei to confirm spin if loss
    	if (player.send(1)==false) throw;
      // checkbeton number(input)
      // bet type : number
      // input : chosen number
      function checkBetNumber(uint8 result, address player, bytes32 blockHash, bytes32 shaPlayer) private
        bool win;
        if (result==gambles[gambleIndex[player]].input)
        solveBet(player, result,win,36, blockHash, shaPlayer);
      // checkbet on oddeven
      // bet type : parity
      // input : 0 for even, 1 for odd
      function checkBetParity(uint8 result, address player, bytes32 blockHash, bytes32 shaPlayer) private
        bool win;
        if (result%2==gambles[gambleIndex[player]].input && result!=0)
        solveBet(player,result,win,2, blockHash, shaPlayer);
      // checkbet on lowhigh
      // bet type : lowhigh
      // input : 0 low, 1 high
      function checkBetLowhigh(uint8 result, address player, bytes32 blockHash, bytes32 shaPlayer) private
        bool win;
        if (result!=0 && ( (result<19 && gambles[gambleIndex[player]].input==0)
    		       || (result>18 && gambles[gambleIndex[player]].input==1)
    		       ) )
        solveBet(player,result,win,2, blockHash, shaPlayer);
      // checkbet on color
      // bet type : color
      // input : 0 red, 1 black
      uint[18] red_list=[1,3,5,7,9,12,14,16,18,19,21,23,25,27,30,32,34,36];
      function checkBetColor(uint8 result, address player, bytes32 blockHash, bytes32 shaPlayer) private
        bool red;
        //check if red
        for (uint8 k; k<18; k++)
    	if (red_list[k]==result) 
        bool win;
        if ( result!=0
    	 && ( (gambles[gambleIndex[player]].input==0 && red)  
    	      || ( gambles[gambleIndex[player]].input==1 && !red)  ) )
        solveBet(player,result,win,2, blockHash, shaPlayer);
      // checkbet on dozen
      // bet type : dozen
      // input : 0 first, 1 second, 2 third
      function checkBetDozen(uint8 result, address player, bytes32 blockHash, bytes32 shaPlayer) private
        bool win;
        //win on first dozen
        if ( result!=0 &&
    	 ( (result<13 && gambles[gambleIndex[player]].input==0)
    	   (result>12 && result<25 && gambles[gambleIndex[player]].input==1)
    	   (result>24 && gambles[gambleIndex[player]].input==2) ) )
        solveBet(player,result,win,3, blockHash, shaPlayer);
      // checkbet on column
      // bet type : column
      // input : 0 first, 1 second, 2 third
      function checkBetColumn(uint8 result, address player, bytes32 blockHash, bytes32 shaPlayer) private
        bool win;
        if ( result!=0
    	 && ( (gambles[gambleIndex[player]].input==0 && result%3==1)  
    	      || ( gambles[gambleIndex[player]].input==1 && result%3==2)
    	      || ( gambles[gambleIndex[player]].input==2 && result%3==0)  ) )
        solveBet(player,result,win,3, blockHash, shaPlayer);
      function checkMyBet(address player) constant returns(Status player_status, BetTypes bettype, uint input, uint value, uint8 result, bool wheelspinned, bool win, uint blockNb, uint blockSpin, uint gambleID)
      function getTotalGambles() constant returns(uint){
        return gambles.length;
      function getGamblesList(uint256 index) constant returns(address player, BetTypes bettype, uint input, uint value, uint8 result, bool wheelspinned, bool win, uint blockNb, uint blockSpin)
    } //end of contract


    ran tarafından 06/Tem/17 21:49 tarihinde düzenlenmiştir

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