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Yurtdışından Hamster Nasıl Getirilir ?

  1. KısayolKısayol reportŞikayet pmÖzel Mesaj
    cordelian's avatar
    Banlanmış Üye
    Kayıt Tarihi: 04/Ağustos/2009

    abi sacmalamayin cenine koy falan cikolatami bu,fareden bahsediyosun ucakta bi kacarsa gor curcunayi,yazik hayvana ya.Ceza alirsin bela olur yapma.Uluslararasi canli hayvan tasimaciligi yapan yerler vardir.

    FedEx does not accept live animal shipments as part of its regularly scheduled service. Live animals will be accepted when the shipment is coordinated and approved by the FedEx Live Animal Desk. Acceptable shipments include, but are not limited to, zoo animals (to and from zoo locations only) and horses (from gateway to gateway locations only). Household pets, such as domestic cats and dogs, and live fish are not accepted. For more information, contact the FedEx Live Animal Desk at 1.800.405.9052.

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